The area is known as the yesteryear meeting place and the intersection of communication routes situated near the natural landmark. The Baredine Cave showcases the ethnic story dedicated to agriculture. The display of objects, machines and numerous preserved photographs and documents narrates the history of the area and its people.
First and foremost, the exhibition presents the evolution of the threshing process, immediately before and after the mechanization of farming. The story begins on the threshing floor, one of the earliest forms of threshing, continuing with the presentation of simple to more complex threshing machines, combine harvesters and tractors that substantially facilitated the arduous working process.
Around fifty old timer tractors and machines are exhibited in the state in which they were last used. With no later modifications to its original state, each tractor, starting with a 1923 Fordson, the first one to have arrived at the nearby village, has a story to tell about the area.
In their honor, this exhibition is named Traktor story.
The exclusive space of Konobon Gallery blending into the white Istrian stone showcases the story of the Mediterranean trilogy - bread, olive oil and wine, present in this area from antiquity, through the Middle Ages, to the present day. The central part of the gallery is dedicated to staging art and thematic exhibitions.
Tractor Story is capped off by a visit to the Wine Shop where guests have a chance to sample the indigenous olive oil and wine varieties in addition to other local products.
Entrance tickets
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