INSTITUTE FOR AGRICULTURE AND TOURISM was built in 1907 as a regional oenological institute.
The Institute i.e. its first legal predecessor was founded back in 1875 when the Regional Eno-Pomological Station Poreč, established under the decision of the Istrian Parliament of 5 September 1874, opened its doors. The Institute of Agriculture and Tourism Poreč is today a public scientific institute operating as part of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia focusing on applied scientific research in agriculture and tourism by conducting scientific and professional projects.
The scientific agricultural research includes the research of specific topics in enology and pomology, olive cultivation and oil production, vegetable growing, ecology, rural development, economics, development and organization of agriculture and the agri-food system as well as market research.
Scientific research in tourism includes the research of specific topics in the development, economics and organization of tourism activities; rural tourism, selective forms of tourism, management of tourism destinations, management of people in tourism and event management.
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