Although the existence of wild and free sea bathing areas was recorded as early as the beginning of the 20th century (Diga and Vallestrin are mentioned), it was only in the interwar period that they began to become more fashionable. Wild beaches have become more accessible with the mass use of bicycles and motorcycles. Only after the Second World War bays and other places along the Poreč coast were used as bathing areas, where there are no changing cabins, all in the desire to achieve the closest possible contact with nature.
The basis of post-war, mostly domestic tourism, were workers', youth and children's resorts, many of which were also in Poreč, so the first more extensive arrangements of beaches were started within them. Along with the opening of resorts, a construction of various tourist accommodation facilities is taking place, especially during the 1960s, and thus a very intensive phase of development and improvement of beaches, which in the following years captivated an increasing number of tourists, domestic and foreign.
In the area of Poreč, this was especially evident in the area of the Blue and Green Lagoons, where on the low and, in some places, forested coast suitable not only for swimming but also for recreation and sports activities, during the 1960s numerous beaches were arranged for domestic and foreign tourists. There is an expansion of tourist services within the beaches, which more and more often have sports, cultural and entertainment centers. The centers by the sea offered facilities related to activities at sea (sailing, windsurfing, rowing, skiing, diving, spearfishing ...). In that period the beaches became a part of modern living, a real picture of spending free time and an ideal vacation.
Copyright, Zavičajni muzej Poreštine - Museo del territorio parentino
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